Communications are vital in an emergency to relay information quickly and accurately to the Incident Commander (IC) and in relaying the IC’s responses to the appropriate person or team. As a communications team member you may be embedded with Search and Rescue (SAR), Medical, or assigned a stationary position such as IC, supply, or a specific landmark.
Our Communications team members utilize Family Radio Service/General Mobile Radio Service (FRS/GMRS) and Amateur Radio Service (HAM Radio).
At East Lake CERT we recommend team members to use the Amateur Radio Service (HAM Radio) to make use of the greater range and readability of Amateur Radios. It is not necessary to be an Amateur Radio Operator to be an East Lake CERT member.
East Lake CERT also has its own amateur radio repeater system located in North Pinellas County that is used in communicating during emergencies.
The East lake CERT repeater is on a frequency of:
442.800 MHz
positive offset of 5.0 Hz
PL tone of 146.2 Hz.
Now Connect VIA:
Allstar Node# 55315
Echolink: W4ELC-L Node# 666114
To be ready, we have a weekly net on Wednesday evenings at 7:00PM, which is open to all licensed amateur radio operators. With the exception of the 3rd Wednesday of the month, at which time we have our month meeting at East Lake Fire Station 57 located at 3375 Tarpon Lake Blvd. Palm Harbor FL 34685.
We also provide public safety communications for several walk/run events throughout the year, such as the YMCA Reindeer Run , The East Lake Fire 5K run, The Rotary Car Show, and The Toymakers Fair.
We also provide communication for shelters and supply locations for the Pinellas County EOC (Emergency Operation Center) Local and State during mass disasters like hurricanes.
Knowing how and when to communicate information is a key to effective communications and these events are a great way to train to communicate effectively in a non-life-threatening situation.